Monday, May 23, 2016


It was back in 2012 when Google introduced the world to “the Glass.” A smart pair of glasses that can show you maps, places and how to get there. The glasses that lets you check your e-mails, take pics and also record videos. It was a wonderful gadget.
Geeks all over the world fell in love with it. It became the “must have” gadget if you were a geek. If you saw yourself as a forward thinker. A futurist. A dreamer.
However, by the end of the year, the expectations that the $1.500 wearable PC would be a consumer hit had been shattered. The reason? It just disturbed people. You would be quite right to say that it was not the “right time” again.
Developers stopped working on apps for Glass, and the consumer launch was postponed. Even Google co-founder Sergey Brin, the Glass visionary, was no longer wearing the device.
However, the glass geeks are still there. Even better, the time is right now. We are in 2016. It is the year of Google Glass. Expect a better, polished version this time. In fact, we expect two versions here at WT VOX.
The industrial version of Glass is going to be a success. There’s no doubt about it. Think niche applications. You’ll see the new Glass in the Army. You’ll see the new Glass in the hospitals. You’ll see it in constructions. Google Glass is back and here to stay this time.

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